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ABSolutely you can do core anywhere!

Core strength is important for runners- we've all heard it. Lots of evidence and articles that highlight to us how having a strong core can improve stability, help you maintain good form, and prevent injury.

Here's a couple of my personal favorite core routines which I like to interchange with the Oiselle Dirty Dozen. Leftover from high school track days and made up on occasion, I like to alternate with the fallback Dirty Dozen routine to avoid boredom and work on all parts of my core/abdominal muscles. These routines are great for several reasons -

1) You can pick and choose which exercises you do, so if you get bored of doing the same exact round, switch it up!

2) They take almost no time away from your day. 10 minutes at most, and easy to knock out in the morning just after you roll out of bed while you wait for the coffee to finish brewing.

3) No equipment needed and you can do them anywhere!

8 Minute Abs:

This series is 8 minutes start to finish - no rest. It's a toughie the first few times, but improves as your strength improves. Again, one where you can choose to switch out exercises as you prefer.

60 seconds each, continuously, of the following:

1. Regular plank

2. Side plank on the right with hip dips

3. Side plank on the left with hip dips

4. Bicycle

5. Crunches

6. Row with a twist

7. Hip raises

8. Full sit ups

Recommended routine for: early morning wake ups; tired legs; waiting for morning coffee; post run and need a quick circuit, you name it.

Alan Webbs:

Strangest ab routine I was introduced to in high school, but surprisingly hard - this one will catch you when you're least expecting it. Great way to freshen up a stale core routine and add in some interesting moves to the mix. Also, I have no idea if the routine actually came from Alan Webb, just that's what we called it.

Begin on your stomach in plank position, arms fully extended. Hold this position and do 10 leg lifts where you lift your leg, keeping it straight, so your foot is about six inches off the ground, then tap your toes down and lift back up for one rep. Ten reps on each leg.

Quick turn over onto your back for ten crunches.

Then roll into a plank on your right side, arm fully extended. Ten leg lifts on this side.

Followed by ten regular crunches. Then repeat with plank on your left side- extended arm, ten leg lifts, followed by ten regular crunches.

Last, roll onto your back and come into plank, arms extended. (This is the most awkward plank rotation, it always feels weird). Ten leg lifts on each foot, and finishing with ten regular crunches.

Now repeat the entire circuit, only with all the planks from elbow position.

So, to summarize:

Front Plank, arms extended

10 legs lifts, each side

10 crunches

Right side plank, 10 leg lifts

10 crunches

Left side plank, 10 leg lifts

10 crunches

Plank on your back, 10 leg lifts each side

10 crunches

Repeat entire circuit from elbow plank position

Woohoo! This one takes a little longer, but gets all sides of work in. Great to do outside in the sun and work on your sports bra tan lines.

And a special.....

Jeopardy Abs:

As the name of this routine shows, I love watching Jeopardy. Sometimes this happens right post-run, so what better time to fit in some quick core work (and make it fun)? This routine necessitates having a partner (not only for core but so you can yell Jeopardy answers at each other) and depends very much on that night's contestants.

**and yes, this routine was made up because I wanted to watch Jeopardy and not drive/walk to the gym. Hence, abs but FUN!**

So, find a partner- spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, sibling, dog - whatever. Each person picks one contestant on the show to be their "player of the day."

During the show:

1. If your contestant answers something correctly, you have ten 2-count crunches (1-2 count to curl up, 2-1 count back down)

2. If your contestant buzzes in and answers incorrectly, you have ten leg lifts.

3. Double Jeopardy questions double your reps.

4. If your contestant doesn't answer anything (or has extended gaps of time being too slow on buzzing in) you are doing a) flutter kicks - during single Jeopardy round or b) superman holds - during Double Jeopardy round

5. Final Jeopardy: hold forearm or extended arm plank for the entire time.

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