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6 Days and Counting!

Here we are...six days out from the Trials. Needless to say, the anticipation is building. I'm feeling a great mix of excitement and nerves as I get ready to head out to LA this week. So far, I've rewritten my packing list three times, done two loads of laundry to find everything, received four heartwarming letters from Oiselle Voleé teammates, opened and tried on 8 pieces of a killer new race kit, and brainstormed six different ways to creatively decorate the plastic bottles I'll use in the race. If you can't tell already, I am really looking forward to this race.

Sitting on my couch this morning thinking about how quickly this week will go by, I received a number of old pictures from my mom. As she was sending me old school pictures, rec league soccer, skiing, and baby pictures (she's at home, avoiding writing her lesson plans, apparently!), I got to thinking about the reasons I run. The Trials Marathon this weekend is a big milestone for me, and while I have goals for this race and for upcoming seasons, I also want to keep in mind why I do this. Rather than blab on about this, however, I'll stick to a quick visual tour of the real reason I run: because I LOVE IT.

I've loved running since I was a kid. Back when I didn't have a clue what I was doing, wore Merrells to run in the streets of Bern, and thought pigtails were the coolest hairstyle on the planet...

One of my mom's favorite stories to tell me is about the first week after we moved from Atlanta, Georgia, to Munsingen (near Bern), Switzerland. She always reminds me that when we drove into town for the first time, passing through the local farms surrounding the village, my 8 year old self looked out the window, then turned to her and asked "Can I run through those fields??"

I loved it when it was cold and snowy in Minneapolis, and my dad would come out to cheer me on in the local USATF Juniors' race; when running was tied in a big jumble of other activities from Girl Scouts to soccer practice to swim practice (yes, I was really into swimming. One of the toughest choices I made in high school was to drop club swimming to run- a turning point as I realized that running was what I truly enjoyed, no matter the day, weather, or end results).

Why do I run? Why do I race? Why do I put so much time into a sport that can be so physically demanding and mentally overwhelming, in ways that test you and test your strength on a daily basis?

I do it because it brings me joy. And it's as simple as that.

Joy from friends and family...

The joy of making and keeping friends in the sport...

And the joy that feeling my legs under me, fresh air, and my own pace.

This weekend, I plan on reminding myself that I run because it brings me joy. Not only will I race to compete, but I also will be racing for the pure excitement and energy it brings me. There is nothing compared to the feeling of your feet hitting the pavement, heart starting to pound, feeling your body use its strengths but knowing you can push just a little bit harder for just a little bit longer. At the end of a race, my only question is- when can we go again?

In the final six days counting down to LA, I'm thankful for the experiences I've had which make me the runner I am today, and elated to have a healthy body with which to continue to do what I love. This weekend, I will run with determination, and, I will run with joy in my legs and my heart.

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